Semi Permanent Makeup Basingstoke
Wake up made up! Time has evolved and we no longer have to spend an hour every day depending on skill applying make up.
Semi permanent makeup has completely taken care of this in the form of Microblading and Ombre Brows, Eyeliner, Foxy Eyeliner, Lip Blush and Dark Lip Neutralization.
Semi permanent makeup is the implantation of pigment into the uppermost layers of the skin, this is not permanent and over time will fade, to keep the enhancement in tip top condition a top-up is required every 15 – 18 months.
Semi Permanent Makeup is popular amongst people who lead a very busy lifestyle and don’t have time to apply makeup, also athletes, for example swimmers who don’t want the hassle of reapplying makeup due to smudging or having it totally washed off.