Anti Wrinkle Injections
An injection of Botulinum Toxin A into the small muscles between the frown lines temporarily paralyses those muscles which softens fine lines and wrinkles.
Dermal Fillers
Solexis Aesthetic‘s & Beauty is one of Hampshire’s leading specialist in providing subtle natural looking dermal filler enhancements that augment each individual feature and introduce volume, hydration and definition, dermal fillers are used in lips, tear trough under eyes, jawline, chin, cheeks, nasolabial folds and marionette lines.
Dermaplaning gently buffs the top layer of dead skin cells as well as exfoliating facial vellus hair away, this helps to reveal a brighter and smoother complexion leaving skin ultrasmooth and perfectly prepped, ready for make up so that it takes on an airbrushed finish, suitable for all skin types with immediate visual results.
Bio Revitalisers/Skin Boosters/Chemical Peels
With Skin Boosters/Bio Revitalisers, you will instantly notice a vast improvement in tone, texture, and overall luminosity of the skin. Moreover, the reduced appearance of wrinkles and fine lines will become less prominent – an effect that will improve with every skin booster session.


Here are some genuine products use in the treatments


Book an appointment online or contact me directly on 07861161314, I’ll be happy to book you in.

Before booking, please observe the cancellation policy*.

* See cancellations policy on the contact page.